Monday, February 13, 2012

Workout with 35lb plate

Okay, here's the detail on my total body workout using just a 35lb plate. You can increase or lower the weight based on your ability. My workout was done with a partner, but you can do on your own as well.

Workout done with as little rest as possible. All exercises done with the plate unless noted otherwise.

Group 1 - repeat 3x
50 Walking Lunges
20 Overhead Press
20 RDL: Romanian Deadlifts (holding one plate in each hand)...Holding two plates, 70lbs, increases difficulty. Also really engages scapular/upper back muscles and arms.
Plank - done while partner does RDLs

Group 2 - repeat 3x
20 Single Arm Row
20 Chest Press
20 Squats
1:00 Hip Bridge with plate on Lap

Group 3 - repeat 2x
1:00 Wall Sit with plate in lap
20 Upright Row
15 Bicep Curls
15 Skull crushers
